Friday, November 25, 2011

Best Parade

"It's the most wonderful time of the year...."   I've always loved Christmas-time.   Truth be told, I love all the lead up to Christmas... the decorating, the visiting, the shopping... and I love the Waterdown Santa Clause Parade.    What's great about the Waterdown parade is that it starts at 630pm and every float is decorated with lots of lights to really bring out the festive mood.   

I also love that, each float that goes by we seem to say "Oh look there's...."   I've mentioned many times in my blog that the longer you live in Waterdown and get to know your neighbours and local business people, you just can't seem to go far without running into someone you know.

For me, after Santa of course, I love to see the pets they bring out for Flamborough Adoptions... all kinds of happy doggies on leash running along the street (usually dressed up in costume, coat or lights) with volunteers from the Shelter.   

It's always interesting to see what floats are the same, what ones are new and ones that have alot of creativity to them.

This year the pararde happens Saturday November 26th, beginning at 630pm.    Early in the day, people begin putting out their chairs along the parade route to reserve their spot.   I'm always impressed by how people respect that and don't move the chairs.    People are also very good about making sure that little kids can see everything as well and help to move them up to the front.

This year is going to be fantastic just for the weather alone.    Sunny with a daytime high of 12C and possibly a low of 8C and clear skies in the evening... that's my kind of weather!

Don't forget your loonies for the loonie bin, letters for Santa and socks & mitts to give to Helping Hands.    Hope to see you there!     Merry Christmas.

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