Friday, September 30, 2011

Best Medical Clinic

There are many things associated with "Back to School", and this week we were reminded that usually by the end of September our household generally is attacked by the Flu/Cold bug.    Luckily, lots of rest and some over the counter meds to soothe symptoms have us on the road to recovery.
I have heard good things about many of the doctors and medical clinics in town, but I really have to toot the horn of the clinic that we go to... Carlisle Medical Centre.     Our family joined the clinic not long after moving to Waterdown from Toronto late 2002.    Our youngest daughter has been going there since birth.

What I love about the clinic is that although you have a personal doctor, if they are not available you can see anyone on staff.     The single best factor about belonging to CMC is that there is always a doctor on call, and if you have an illness that does not require going to the Emergency Deptarment, you can page the doctor on call and after discussing syptoms on the phone will meet you at the clinic and assess you if you need it.    This happened to me two weekends in a row in May 2007.    It was a Saturday and I was in absolute agony... the cold I had all week ended up becoming a sinus infection over the weekend and I called the on call doctor and they met me up there 5pm on a Saturday, checked me out and gave me a perscription.    I took the perscription all week and it seemed to be clearing up my sinus infection, but by the following weekend (the May Long Weekend!) I was breaking out in a rash all over.    I again called the clinic on the Saturday of the long weekend, discussed my symptoms and was told to meet the doctor up at the clinic.   Discovered that I had a sulfa allergy and the perscription I had been given was sulfa based.    This was the first time I had ever had this happen.    The doctors at CMC are all so fantastic, and even on a long weekend made me feel like my health was most important.   

More recently, we took our oldest daughter in this summer on a weekend when her high fever went into Day 3 with no sign of coming down.     Turned out she had strep throat and after bringing her in to see the on call doctor, we were sent home with a perscription and peace of mind that the fever might finally break.

At CMC, they have new doctors still accepting patients (a family Dr. accepting new patients is difficult these days), and older more experienced doctors... there are male doctors and female doctors and Nurse Practicioners.    

I have always been very pleased with the service at CMC and have enjoyed the added benefits of X-Ray/Ultrasound and a Lab on site.    Our family highly recommends the service and doctors of Carlisle Medical Centre.    To view more about them please visit...

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